GroupHEALTH Boosts Optional Coverage Sales with Experlogix Document Automation Smart Forms

FeaturedCustomers – Document Automation Software Category

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Document automation is a procedure to automatically generate digital documents. It utilizes logic to create new documents based on existing data. This information could be a paragraph of text (such as a legal disclaimer) or facts from a database (like an individual’s name and contact details). Document automation software makes it fast and easy to create complex documents, sales proposals, legal letters, and certain kinds of marketing collateral.

A big advantage of document automation software is you can swiftly update multiple files. You don’t need to individually analyze each document but can update all your files at once. When you import external information and update your smart fields, the solution will dynamically update each document to display the new info. This minimizes the risk of human error and gives all team members the collateral they need fast – thereby creating a win-win scenario.

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